WATCH: Amateur pulls off magical flop shot – with a little help from friend on the green

Is there anything better than a well-executed flop shot?
The key to a great flop shot is often a dramatic build-up.
For some reason, overblown gestures and an exaggerated swing just work when executing this shot.
This version of the flop shot is no frills, just pure golf.
Enjoy this one on repeat.
Why the flop shot?
The flop is one of the most difficult shots in golf, but if you get the hang of it, it’s also one of the most enjoyable to play.
When it comes to possessing the soft hands necessary to get the ball to halt instantaneously around the green, Phil and Tiger are two of the greatest. The way they execute the flop shot gives the impression that anyone can do it.
However, it’s one of the riskier shots in the game and calls for some unusual setup and swing mechanics. It’s all about practicing and committing to the shot during the round after you have mastered the abilities.
A flop shot, often referred to as a lob shot, is a soft, high shot that lands on the green and then stops almost immediately.
When they have little green to work with, golfers on the PGA Tour might be seen playing flop shots around the green.
Due to its difficulty, this shot is avoided by many amateur golfers, and those who do try it often lack the necessary skills to execute it well. The Flop is not only a deceptive shot. It could be a useful tool. Having the proper foundation and practice are essential to becoming a proficient flop shooter. However, you have a far higher chance of saving par if you can hit a flop shot.
One of the most notable distinctions between shooting in the 70s against 80s or 90s is the ability to get the ball up and down in difficult conditions. Single-digit handicap players are familiar with a number of short game shots (chip, pitch, flop, bump & run, and low spinner) and know how to execute each one.
Even if they don’t always succeed, they understand how to achieve it. This provides them the best chance of saving par and moving up and down more frequently.
The flop shot must have the proper lie to be attempted. Without the correct lie, don’t even try this shot.
The ideal lay for the flop shot is a ball resting on the fairway or very light rough, sitting up but not fluffy.
Confidence really is key and that will come with practice.