WATCH: 7 times the pros horribly fluffed their shots like the rest of us

Harris English PING
Harris English hits from the fairway.

Much is made of golf being a sport where the player strikes a stationary ball.

You can almost hear the refrain of ‘the ball is standing still and you still can’t hit it properly’.

Well, we all know there is much more to it than simply making contact.

All the thinking and adjusting involved in playing a round can turn you around.

Mistakes happen and they even happen to the best players in the world – as this video wonderfully shows.

Scuffed balls and their impact on your game

Most players will do their utmost to avoid playing with a dirty ball. Mud balls have to be cleaned before continuing your round.

The reason being the impact that change to the surface makes on the intended flight of the ball.

Altering that surface in any way will have an impact and in all likelihood you won’t be inadvertently stumbling onto a grand new design.

So too, scuff marks and damage to the ball make it less valuable as an asset in your bag.

If you think scuffs don’t impact your game, test them, hit balls with moderate scuffing, mid-scuffing or highly scuffed balls and compare the distances and you should note a very real change.

According to MyGolfSpy: “if you’re trying to figure out if it’s time to replace your ball, a good rule of thumb is that if there’s enough damage that you can feel it when rubbing your finger over the ball, it’s probably best to toss it in the shag bag before it impacts your score.”

That said you will get the odd ball seller who will insist that scuffed balls are just fine.

Data points in a totally different direction but don’t let us prevent you from living your life your way.

One of the problems with playing with scuffed balls is the impact on player feel and how it can alter your swing mechanics and fundamentally change your game.

How many balls should I carry?

The answer to this question will be determined by several factors.

First, ability. Those with less control over the golf ball are more likely to lose them, so consider bringing extras to prevent the humiliation of running out!

Second, you should examine the course’s complexity. A site with a lot of thick rough and water will probably need more golf balls than a wide-open course with little problem.