WATCH: Golf creator lists three things that helped him from a 22 handicap to a 1
A content creator has made an extraordinary claim about how they managed to drop their handicap.
The creator claims that there were three key elements to completing the feat.
First of all, they give a big shout out to popular golf coach and YouTuber Rick Shiels.
Shiels is frequently credited with helping players that he has never met through his video tutorials.
Shiels has a manner that makes his videos incredibly watchable and they are always informative and helpful when instruction is the intent.
The content creator also asserts that he was able to get from a 22 handicap down to 1 without getting any paid lessons.
He did say he practiced four times a week.
But the punchline comes with the final key: The creator says that not having a girlfriend helped his golf game immensely.
Why practice matters
Practice is the finest and quickest method to get better at anything. Good practice is essential, whether it’s on the course, at the driving range or on putting greens. The more practice you do, the better your results will be.
Better yet, practice never has a negative value unless you are doing it very badly. It will still have an impact on your game even if you only have 30 minutes.
Playing golf is fun no matter how good you are, but improving is a major factor in why we keep coming back.
Your pleasure of the game of golf will increase as you practice and get better. Your playing mates will probably also prefer to watch you improve. You will play more quickly, have fewer mishits, spend less time looking for golf balls in the woods, and hit more fairways and putts with practice.
For people of various ages, skill levels, and backgrounds, golfing is a healthy pastime. Indeed, new research indicates that golfers often live an extra five years. It can not only increase your longevity but also ward off as many as 40 serious chronic ailments.
Golf has advantages for your mental and physical wellness. It encourages social contact, calls for focus and concentration, and is frequently played outside in lovely, verdant environments. Furthermore, because of its modest degree of exercise, it’s a sport that practically everyone may participate in.