WATCH: Implement the ‘Hell Drill’ and control face rotation

Achieving consistent clubface control greatly reduces stray strokes out on the golf course.

The margin for error while swinging a club is minimal if the face is too open, the ball will slice to the right. If closed, it will hook to the left.

If the golf club is regularly square upon impact, the energy transfer will be consistently maximised, making it far easier to play reliably with distance control.

With consistency comes improvement, and if your contact with the ball is regularly clean, you can consider making more detailed upgrades to your game.

Controlling club rotation during the swing will help build confidence and promote mental and physical improvement in the range and on the course.

This drill, which can be implemented in range sessions, will help you improve clubface control.

The ‘Hell Drill’, created by Scott Cowx, the 2019 Canadian Coach of the Year, involves having your bottom hand lay flat on the grip as a guide during the golf swing.

Striking 20 balls each session with this drill will, over time, make lasting improvements in directional golf shots.

If you have confidence that shots will go straight, you are more willing to tackle tight fairways and difficult pin positions.

The ‘Hell’ drill can be frustrating at first, as it highlights weaknesses in a golf swing.

But over time, the practice will reincarnate your swing, have lasting results and improve golf.

If done incorrectly, the drill can also damage your swing, so it’s important to video the drill or get a friend or coach on the range to check you’re not building bad habits.

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