Scotty Cameron drops new Phantom prototype putters at Sony Open

Scotty Cameron
New Scotty Cameron Phantom prototype putters have arrived in Hawaii, with PGA TOUR players at this week’s Sony Open getting their first look at four of Scotty’s new mallet designs for 2024.

Scotty Cameron has officially revealed four new Phantom mallet putters – with more designs to come in the next few weeks.

The T-5, the T-5.5, the T-7, and the T-7.5 are the four models that Cameron revealed on his Instagram page.

Based on images taken by Cameron while on location at the Sony Open in Hawaii, it seems like the T-5 and T-7 models have double-bend hosels while the T-5.5 and T-7.5 models have short slant necks. Furthermore, it seems that Cameron Young’s particular configuration seen at the Sentry—which included an extended knuckle-neck hosel—is not included in the core four models that Waialae Country Club is now offering to players. As a result, Young’s T-5 putter is currently a one-of-a-kind creation.

Additionally, it seems like Cameron is providing several sightline options for the new 2024 Phantom designs’ crowns. The T-5 and T-5.5 models have three-dot alignment lines. The T-7 model has three lines—one small black line on the topline and two longer white lines to frame the ball—while the T-7.5 model has two longer white lines and a unique arrow design for the topline.

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More angular curves on each side of the crowns of Scotty Cameron’s new 2024 Phantom putters are the most noticeable difference between his previous 2022 Phantom putters and the new models. These characteristics seem to assist framing the ball at address. It is as yet unknown what additional design, technological and material distinctions these new alternatives have over their predecessors other than the angular changes.

The first new Phantom model went into play last week at The Sentry, as Young moved to a new Phantom 5 with a prototype knuckle neck after testing it at home in the week leading up to Kapalua.

“That Phantom shape, for one, helps my alignment,” Young said last week. “And then also just the forgiveness of a mallet is important. I feel like anything that you can do to make the off-center hits just a little better is always a good thing.”

Phantom mallets continue to be successful for players on professional tours across the world. Max Homa, for example, has won his last five PGA TOUR titles with a Phantom model.

“I was just struggling with face control with my putter. So I tried a few mallets, ended up going with one of the Phantoms and it just felt like it swung a bit better,” said Homa.

“It didn’t feel like I needed to work so much with my hands to release the putter. And at that time that’s really what I needed and then I got hooked on them… I think you almost don’t have to do as much with your hands, so you can just focus on the big muscles.

“And I feel like, especially with putting, especially when you’re nervous, that’s a huge part of being consistent and having a lot of repetition. I felt like that was something that I was missing. And when I switched to that, I felt like it just became a lot more predictable just because I could take out a variable… Speed control became much easier with the Phantom style.

“I felt like because of the weight of the head or just the way it swung, I just felt like it was a lot easier to control my putts from 15 to 25 feet. That’s where I’ve typically struggled. That’s definitely the most obvious impact I saw… I really do think that the speed control has been the main benefactor (to my wins), holing a couple extra 10 to 20 footers. And that typically is mostly speed based, less start line than the closer putts.”